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Writer's pictureGeoff Schoos

Saint Donald the perpetual martyr.

Donald John Trump is prepared to die for our sins. He stands ready to withstand any and all persecutions to shield us from “them” or the “deep state, or the “other.” Donald is ready to once more martyr himself for us.

On August 8, 2022, the 48th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation speech, the evil philistines invaded Trump’s Cathedral to his Grandure at Mar a Lago. Once more victimized by jealous political opponents who don’t respect his privacy, a privacy that he no doubt guards solely on our behalf, he released an extensive statement becoming the first to announce the lawful search of his sacred residence. Annotated excerpts are:

“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before.”

His home was under siege! Is nothing sacred? If they could do that to him, a former president, imagine what they’ll do to you! Nothing like this has ever been done in our history because, no doubt, no other president had defended the people like Trump.

“After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”

All of us are more than aware of how much Donald values, and exhibits at all times, appropriate behaviors. He was cooperating, another of Donald’s core values, but the mean government wouldn’t accede to his more than reasonable positions.

“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don't want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

So we don’t overlook who the malefactors are, he’s named them. If he and his acolytes were’t in their way, the whole Constitution would be torn up and flushed down the toilet; tanks would roll on our streets; troops would be quartered in our homes! Nobody would be safe from the oppressive boot of the “Government!”

“They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”

Richard Nixon was relentlessly hounded until the government ceased to function. Sacrificing himself for us, he became our first martyr when he resigned the presidency. And remember, some of the Watergate burglars were government employees. See the parallels?

This last bit is, appropriately, the crescendo:

“I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.”

Donald the Redeemer, restoring power to the people. Donald the Persecuted, enduring assault after assault by the evil philistines who seek to inflict harm on the innocent.

Saint Donald the Perpetual Martyr, ever vigilant, virtuous and resolute defending his flock no matter how great the sacrifice of his person and life.

“I will continue to fight for the Great American People!”

Do I hear a few hosannahs and can I get an Amen?


This tour of the tormented and persecuted mind of Donald John Trump is concluded. Back in the 1920s and 1930s, Trump would have made a great revival preacher, barnstorming from town to town, holding rallies to welcome the faithful, along with those seeking redemption and salvation. Channeling some higher power, he defends the faithful and seeks to convert the faithless.

I can see him as some modern day Elmer Gantry.

His depiction of himself as a selfless servant is devoid of any reality. His style of service could be fairly described as smash and grab: smash the political and legal norms, tell the folks that he did it for them, and grab that donative cash. On August 9, he sent out a fundraising email, reminding the faithful of his continuing persecution to ensure that the river of donations kept flowing to him.

America’s government treated like an unprotected jewelry store.

We know him as a thin skinned narcissist, unable to admit a lie or mistake. And lie he did; according to fact checkers he averaged 21 lies each day, each day for four years. Some lies were nonsense (e.g., the infamous NOAA map) some deadly (the Big Lie that led to the 1/6/2021 insurrection). Harry Truman allegedly said that Richard Nixon was such a liar that if he ever mistakenly told the truth, he’d immediately have to tell a lie just to keep his hand in.

Obviously Harry Truman never met Donald Trump.

We know who he is and what he did. There’s no need to rehash it here. All of his actions, statements, and utter disregard for the law and political norms, have brought us to August 8.

On one thing we can all agree, the search of a former president’s residence is unprecedented. That is simply a fact.

Beyond that there’s not much detail. Reports indicate that Trump retained - 12 cartons! - of presidential documents, ostensibly in violation of the Presidential Records Act. There are some reports that the some of these documents were labeled “Top Secret,” possibly impacting national security.

Understand that these documents are government, not personal, property.

Beyond that, there’s mostly rank speculation and from Trump, accusation. All of this will sort itself to one degree or another as time goes by. But let’s deal with the only thing we do know - the process of obtaining and serving a search warrant.

First, there’s an investigation into a matter, during which some indication of possible criminal acts are revealed. Investigators follow the trail, and in the course of their investigation may discover that inculpatory or possibly exculpatory evidence is located (in the present instance) in a person’s residence.

In the present instance, we know that when Trump vacated 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, instead of all presidential documents being ticketed to the National Archives as required by law, he evidently took (rough count her) approximately 25 cartons with him to Florida.

It soon became known that had the documents, with the Archivist seeking their return. Some documents, but not all, we’re returned. But he evidently withheld 12 cartons for … reasons. Negotiations ensued but given Trump’s history of prolonging “negotiations,” little if any progress was made.

Given that we don’t know what documents he had in his possession, or if any were sensitive in nature, the feds were unlikely to allow prolonged talks. A determination was likely made that talks would be unfruitful, let alone that Trump would acquiesce to a request to hand them over. Therefore a decision was made to get a search warrant and take possession of the documents.

If this were some Billybagadonuts, there’d be nothing unusual here. This instance would be run of the mill just like the other 100s of warrants undoubtedly served on August 8.

But it wasn’t Billybags, it was a former President of the United States. If everything went well, the resultant politics would be hot and heavy. Serving a warrant on an ex-president is, well, unprecedented. There’s that word again!

Given the lack of alternatives, the investigators would have organized the information they had that supported their request for a search warrant. Especially in this matter, it’s likely that they’d have brought the United States District Attorney’s office into this process.

Given the hyper-sensitivity of this request for a warrant, neither the USDA nor the local SAC, the agent in charge of a local office, would have had plenary authority to sign off on this. Instead the warrant request would have made its way to Main Justice in Washington for vetting, analysis, and review. And more vetting, analysis and review. Then, and only then, if satisfied that there was sufficient basis for this warrant application, would there be final sign offs through and including the Director of the FBI, the assistant Attorneys General, and finally the Attorney General of the United States.

Then onto the court. This would need to be a federal district court in the venue of location on which the warrant is to be served. In this instance it would be a federal district court in south Florida. Law enforcement would complete and submit a sworn affidavit detailing the basis for a warrant necessary to seize the specific items from a private residence, the rationale for so drastic an action, the basis to believe that the sought after items were evidence of likely criminal activity, and the underlying basis for the belief (e.g., eye witness sources) that the materials were located at the specific location.

In other words, a showing of probable cause.

Usually it’s a judge magistrate that hears warrant applications. With all respect to magistrates, I have to believe that in this instance, this application might have been a tad above the the magistrate’s pay grade, so I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that the chief judge of the district court reviewed the filings, examined the applicant and when satisfied authorized the warrant. The warrant would have contained the basic predicate for the search, the specific areas to be searched (which depends on the nature of the items sought), and a time limit on when the warrant could be served. Law enforcement cannot hold a warrant for an open-ended period of time.

The FBI notified the Secret Service that a warrant was to be served that day. And then it was served, 12 cartons of documents were retrieved, and the rest will come out in the wash.

In other words, de rigueur.

One last point, prior to leaving, the FBI would have given Trump’s representative, likely his attorney and One America News host Christina Bobb, a copy of the search warrant indicating the basis for the search, and a detailed inventory of all the items seized and removed from the premises.

Over the coming days we’ll hear all manner of speculation. Those on the right, the Trump acolytes, will scream injustice and set their hair afire. Those on the left will vacillate between a self satisfied smirk to laughing like giddy school boys.

And, of course, Trump will play professional victim.

Meanwhile, Trump can shed light on the events of August 8 by releasing his copy of the warrant and the inventory. That this paragon of transparency hasn’t speaks volumes about the seriousness of this search. Besides, to do so would likely interfere with his continued grift of his supporters, which ramped up once more on August 9.

Grifters gotta grift.

Buckle up and get ready for a period of unique political theater. August 8 was opening night. There’ll be plot twists and distractions. There will be appeals to reason and emotions. Who knows, perhaps there’ll be moments of mirth and humor. At some point facts will emerge.

My advice is to pay attention and let the process play itself out. Nothing’s at stake here except the rule of law…

And please, please, someone get Trump down from the cross. Please!

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